Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Probiotics are live microbial organisms that help maintain a healthy balance of microorganisms, including beneficial bacteria, in the intestinal tract. A healthy human digestive system contains around 400 types of beneficial bacteria that keep the growth of harmful bacteria in check, and keep the digestive system running properly. A recent study revealed that probiotics could do more than just help your digestive system, it could also help prevent colds.

Researchers analyzed 10 studies that gave probiotics, a placebo or no treatment for more than a week to a combined total of 3,451 study participants whose ages ranged from infancy to adulthood (40s). They found that taking probiotics could help reduce the number of upper respiratory tract infections by 12 percent.

Probiotics come in many forms, including powders, tablets, capsules, and foods such as yogurts and dairy drinks. Other sources include miso, fortified soy and juice drinks, fermented milk, fermented vegetables, like sauerkraut or kimchi (check labelling for active cultures), and raw or unpasteurized yogurt. The form you take them in doesn't matter, as long as it contains enough live organisms to begin growing in your intestines. The effective dose can vary from as little as 50 million to as many as 1 trillion live cells per dose. Yummy! Reliable products should indicate the name of the precise probiotic organisms they contain, as well as how many organisms a single dose provides.

A study published in 2010 suggests that probiotics may also decrease the risk of common childhood problems such as ear infections, strep throat, and colds. There’s also evidence that probiotics assist in maintaining a strong immune system.

FitFlax with flax seed, chia seeds and lignans is also a great immune booster, and a great addition, along with berries, to yogurt. Enjoy the benefit of flax seed and the benefit of chia seeds with FitFlax. Use coupon code MB10 for 10% off!

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