The best exercises for muscle growth are ones that require you to use multiple joints. Squats, cleans, deadlifts and bench presses are all very effective at helping your muscles get bigger, and for toning your entire body.
To grow muscles, you should lift enough weight for actual muscle fiber tearing to occur. For most people, this means lifting about 65-85 percent of what you could normally lift only one time. This is called your "one rep max" or "1RM".
If you can bench press 100 pounds, then your weight for increasing the size of your chest muscles would be 65-85 pounds. Most people can lift 65-85 percent for 8-12 repetitions.
Your muscles need a significant amount of time under tension, about 60 seconds, for actual muscle tearing to occur. Try at least three to six sets for each exercise, 8-12, reps. Each set should include one to two minutes of recovery for the muscle group you are working. If you stress or tear a muscle every day, your body will not have enough time to repair the muscle fibers, resulting in uncomfortable levels of soreness, low muscle growth and joint injury. So give your muscles 2-3 days of recovery before re-stimulating those fibers again. Eating a well balanced diet is also essential.
The best strategy to growing muscle is to stress it, allow it to recover while eating enough healthy food to feed the new muscle, and repeat. With this method, you can safely build one to two pounds of muscle each week. And since muscle takes up much less room than fat, those pounds will look lean.
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