Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Also Known As The Chinese Gooseberry

Also known as the Chinese gooseberry, Kiwifruits owe their name to the Kiwi bird, native of New Zealand. In many regions of Europe, North America and South America, kiwifruits are generally referred to as "kiwi"

New research presented at the scientific meeting of the American Heart Association shows that eating three kiwis a day is linked with decreased blood pressure.

In the study, 118 men and women (over age 55) who all had slightly high blood pressure to either eat three kiwis a day for eight weeks, or to eat one apple a day for eight weeks.

After the study period, researchers found that the people who ate the kiwis had lower systolic blood pressure (by an average of 3.6 millimeters of mercury) than people who ate the apples.

Researchers said kiwis are lutein-rich, which means they have antioxidant properties. In past research, harmful free radicals (which antioxidants help to beat) have been linked with high blood pressure.

This fruit consists of a hairy, brown peel containing green flesh, with white pulp in the center, surrounded by black, edible seeds. The fruit has a sweet taste, similar to a mixture of banana, pineapple and strawberry. Kiwi fruits are native to China.

Nutrition-wise, kiwi fruits contain about as much potassium as bananas, and also contain 1.5 times the DRI for Vitamin C. It is also rich in Vitamins A and E, and its black seeds can be crushed to produce kiwi fruit oil, which is very rich in Alfa-Linoleic Acid, an important Omega-3 essential fatty acid. Usually a medium size kiwifruit contains about 46 calories.

A 2007 study by the United States Department of Agriculture also showed that kiwi fruits are one of the most antioxidant-rich fruits, along with grapes and wild blueberries.

Studies have proven that kiwifruits are useful in improving conditions of asthmatic children, and in decreasing the probability of colon cancer by providing a good amount of dietary fiber

FitFlax with flax seed, chia seeds and lignans is also a great source of antioxidants and fiber. Enjoy the benefit of flax seed and the benefit of chia seeds with FitFlax.

Cardiologists were quick to caution that there is no single magic food or ingredient that is the key to heart health, but they all agreed that kiwi may have a place in the five daily servings of fruit and vegetables that are currently recommended as part of a heart-healthy diet.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Vitamin C & Zinc Lozenges

Vitamin C has long had a reputation for helping prevent colds, but clinical studies have shown no effect for vitamin C in cold prevention in normal situations.

Research has shown that doses of 200 mg or greater (more than twice the 60-75 mg current recommended dietary intake for adults) may help reduce the duration of colds slightly. Some people improve after taking vitamin C supplements, others don't. Try it and see for yourself, but don't exceed 2,000 mg per day. More than this can cause an upset stomach.

Zinc lozenges may also help cut the number of days you're sick. In a study in the Journal of Infectious Diseases, adults who took zinc in lozenge form (13.3 mg every 2 to 3 hours for as long as their cold lasted) within a day of noticing the telltale signs felt better about 3 days sooner than those who got a placebo. Although that dose exceeds the recommended daily max of 40 mg, it's safe for a 3- to 5-day period.

Zinc binds to cell receptors in the mouth and throat, blocking the cold virus from attaching and spreading. Zinc comes in many forms, but only lozenges have been shown to be effective.

FitFlax with flax seed, chia seeds and lignans is also a great source of antioxidants. Enjoy the benefit of flax seed and the benefit of chia seeds with FitFlax.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Fiber Up

A new study published in the British Medical Journal Review revels that getting your fill of fiber from whole grains could help ward off colorectal cancer.

Researchers found that the more total dietary fiber and cereal fiber people consumed, the lower their colorectal cancer risk. For example, people who consumed an extra 90 grams of whole grains a day also had a 20 percent lower risk of colorectal cancer.

Researchers reviewed the results of 25 studies that included nearly 2 million people. They found that for each additional 10 grams of total dietary fiber and cereal fiber consumed a day, the person's colorectal cancer risk decreased by 10 percent.

This study highlights the importance of a diet rich in fiber. Soluble fiber is most helpful in improving the digestive process. As the contents of the colon move at a better rate, there is thought to be less toxic exposure to the interior of the colon thereby reducing risk of developing colon cancer.

And beyond decreasing the risk for developing colorectal cancer, eating fiber has other health perks. A government study earlier this year suggested that the more fiber a person eats, the longer they will live. That's because of a lowered risk of death from heart, respiratory and infectious disease for men and women, as well as a lowered risk of dying from cancer for men.

The findings, which appeared in the Archives of Internal Medicine, found that people who ate the most fiber in the study had a 22 percent lower risk of death than people who ate the least fiber.

Americans don't usually get enough fiber each day, with most consuming about 15 grams -- the recommended daily dose of fiber for women is 25 grams a day, and 38 grams a day for men.

FitFlax with flax seed, chia seeds and lignans is a great source of both soluble and insoluble fiber. Enjoy the benefit of flax seed and the benefit of chia seeds with FitFlax.

Friday, November 18, 2011

It's Only A Crescent Moon

Yoga is a known stress buster, but it's also an effective workout for weight loss, especially the last few stubborn pounds that become harder to lose after age 40.

Studies show that yoga lowers levels of stress hormones and increases insulin sensitivity--a signal to your body to burn food as fuel rather than store it as fat. The following yoga pose, known as the Crescent Moon Pose will help do just that.

What you need: A yoga mat or carpeted space. Stand with feet together, toes forward, and arms at sides. Inhale and raise arms overhead, reaching fingertips toward ceiling. Exhale, and bend forward from hips, bringing hands to floor (it's okay to bend knees). Inhale, and as you exhale, step right leg back into a lunge (left knee bent about 90 degrees, knee over ankle; right leg extended and on ball of foot). Inhale and raise arms overhead; gaze forward. Hold, then return to standing and repeat, stepping left leg back. You can make it easier by lowering your right knee to touch the floor as you step back into a lunge, and rest your hands on your left thigh.

Follow this routine at least 3 times a week, holding each move one time for three to five deep breaths. For faster results: Hold each pose for five to eight breaths and increase repetitions.

SmartToes Toe Stretchers and Straightener unique design are beneficial to stretching your hamstrings, as well as hammer toe. SmartToes also provide hammer toe treatment, bunion treatment and overall relief for stressed out feet.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Pomegranates Of The Gods

Pomegranates are a fruit of the fall/winter season. Now is the best time to enjoy the fresh seeds and juice.

There are hundreds of studies on pomegranate and cancer. Some researchers say that pomegranates and pomegranate juice have the potential to prevent cancer growth. Most of the research has been done on breast cancer, prostate cancer and lung cancer.

Pomegranates are high in polyphenols, which support normal cell protection by combating oxidative stress, which protects DNA from damage, one of the first steps in the development of cancer cells. FitFlax with flax seed, chia seeds and lignans is also a great source of antioxidants. Enjoy the benefit of flax seed and the benefit of chia seeds with FitFlax.

Pomegranates also support inflammation control leading to lower levels of key inflammatory molecules, many of which are present in cancer cells and surrounding tissues.

The myth of Persephone, the goddess of the Underworld, prominently features the pomegranate. In one version of Greek mythology, Persephone was kidnapped by Hades and taken off to live in the underworld as his wife. Her mother, Demeter (goddess of the Harvest), went into mourning for her lost daughter and thus all green things ceased to grow. Zeus, the highest ranking of the Greek gods, could not allow the Earth to die, so he commanded Hades to return Persephone. It was the rule of the Fates that anyone who consumed food or drink in the Underworld was doomed to spend eternity there. Persephone had no food, but Hades tricked her into eating six pomegranate seeds while she was still his prisoner and so, because of this, she was condemned to spend six months in the Underworld every year. Not nice Hades. During these six months, when Persephone is sitting on the throne of the Underworld next to her husband Hades, her mother Demeter mourns and no longer gives fertility to the earth. This became an ancient Greek explanation for the seasons.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Cardio Problemo

Your cardio workout is predictable.

Your body becomes efficient at what it does often and routinely. This means you burn fewer calories than you used to with the same activity. Throwing your body a surprise will charge it up to burn more calories.

Try to vary the intensity of your workouts. On some days, keep your pace consistent for the entire duration of the workout. On other days, add more intense intervals by increasing the pace, resistance, or the incline on an elliptical. Start modestly, then gradually increase the duration of those intervals.

You can also try to vary the duration and/or frequency of your workouts. Two or three days per week, increase the time of your cardio. On another day, ramp up the intensity of the entire workout, but decrease the duration. If you are working out two times per week, add another one or two days.

If possible, add another activity or two to your cardio workouts. It can be as simple as running the stairs in your house or jumping rope for short bouts. Throw them in to your workouts.

You should also begin some resistance training. Get yourself some dumbbells and use them, along with body-weight exercises such as squats and lunges, for 15-20 minutes, three times per week, not on consecutive days.

Try SmartSole Exercise Insole to help you burn more calories with every step and turn your everyday footwear into toning shoes.

SmartToes Toe Stretchers and Straightener unique design are beneficial to stretching your hamstrings, as well as hammer toe. SmartToes also provide hammer toe treatment, bunion treatment and overall relief for stressed out feet.

SmartSole and SmartToes are now available at Duane Reade.

Monday, November 7, 2011


Eating a small portion of mixed nuts each day can help with weight loss. Scientists have found a link between eating nuts and higher levels of serotonin, a hormone that is most commonly known for boosting happiness but also decreases appetite and improves heart health.

Researchers found that as little as one ounce of raw and unpeeled walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts a day, can produce positive health effects. The research team put 22 patients on a nut-enriched diet for 12 weeks and compared them to another group of patients who were given a nut-free diet.

It was found that those consuming 30 grams of mixed nuts a day had higher serotonin levels.

Researchers believe the findings could help patients shed excess weight, decreasing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and heart disease. FitFlax with flax seed, chia seeds and lignans is a great source for omega 3's, and also helps reduce cholesterol and the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Enjoy the benefit of flax seed and the benefit of chia seeds with FitFlax.

Be aware that nuts, while packed with nutrients, are highly calorific so stick to a handful a day.

Nuts is also a 1979 play by Tom Topor. It is a suspense, psychological, and courtroom drama that explores sexual abuse issues, family and social power dynamics, and aspects of the criminal court system. It was staged off-off-Broadway in 1979 and transferred to Broadway the following year. A 1987 film adaptation stars Barbra Streisand and Richard Dreyfuss.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Yoga & Back Pain

A new study published in The Archives of Internal Medicine shows that weekly yoga classes relieve symptoms of low back pain about as well as intense, regular stretching sessions. The study involved more than 200 people who were followed for up to 26 weeks.

The research found that yoga and stretching were equally effective in easing chronic back pain and improving function, but participants had to practice each regularly to see benefits. The subjects in both groups took weekly 75-minute classes and practiced yoga or deep stretching at home for about 20 minutes at a time at least three days a week.

Exercise, and in particular strength-training routines that develop muscles of the trunk and core, can help reduce pain and improve function, though many people avoid them for fear of doing further harm. For those who want to try, a weekly class and a few 20-minute sessions at home might be a good starting point.

SmartToes Toe Stretchers and Straightener unique design are beneficial to stretching your hamstrings, as well as hammer toe. SmartToes also provide hammer toe treatment, bunion treatment and overall relief for stressed out feet.