Friday, November 18, 2011

It's Only A Crescent Moon

Yoga is a known stress buster, but it's also an effective workout for weight loss, especially the last few stubborn pounds that become harder to lose after age 40.

Studies show that yoga lowers levels of stress hormones and increases insulin sensitivity--a signal to your body to burn food as fuel rather than store it as fat. The following yoga pose, known as the Crescent Moon Pose will help do just that.

What you need: A yoga mat or carpeted space. Stand with feet together, toes forward, and arms at sides. Inhale and raise arms overhead, reaching fingertips toward ceiling. Exhale, and bend forward from hips, bringing hands to floor (it's okay to bend knees). Inhale, and as you exhale, step right leg back into a lunge (left knee bent about 90 degrees, knee over ankle; right leg extended and on ball of foot). Inhale and raise arms overhead; gaze forward. Hold, then return to standing and repeat, stepping left leg back. You can make it easier by lowering your right knee to touch the floor as you step back into a lunge, and rest your hands on your left thigh.

Follow this routine at least 3 times a week, holding each move one time for three to five deep breaths. For faster results: Hold each pose for five to eight breaths and increase repetitions.

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